"To die for one's people is a great sacrifice. To live for one's people is a greater sacrifice. I choose to live for my people. What do you choose?" Senator Chuchi of Pantora

Friday, November 19, 2010


I had a conversation with my classmate, Steph on how high performance athletes need media training. That they have troubles speaking to and with the media..
They more than ever are not only athletes but brand ambassadors of their respected teams. However, they need the training not only in speaking to members of the media, but how to conduct themselves in all social media.For more and more are finding themselves called on their behaviour or what they have said.
A few athletes have either tweeted inappropriately or have been called out on Twitter.
If athletes behave as professionals, they will also perform better. Especially if on a team. This is important to forming team bonds.
Athletes must, however, remember their fans. Most of which is children. This I think is lost on some.
I have been around high performance athletes, and know how they think and act. So in SM based world, athletes live in a crystal clear fishbowl with everyone watching.
SRC Magazine, a Canadian ski magazine article: Norwegian Gentleman vs American Brat - Who will prevail in WC'11. This article pits American bad boy Bode Miller against Norwegian superstar Askel Lund Svindal. It points out that same fans are drawn to the bad boy.
Some attitude is fine, goes to that fight spirit that makes them great athletes.
Sport's teams need to have a cohesive team look and need an unified image to present to the media and public. For right now some teams have problems with some players on overall team moral.
Until the athletes start listening to the PR people some will still get into socially awkward situations. Also they need to engage their own personal brain-mouth filter as well.

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